The sport of wheelchair rugby can be a costly one to take part in. The chairs can cost several thousands to buy and then due to the punishment they can take through the years, maintenance can often be specialised. Tyres and especially Inner-tubes need constant replacing but the biggest cost to the club is travel and accommodation.
As we are the only team in Scotland all our competitions are held in England, this often involves traveling many hundreds of miles with a two night stay over. The players pay all their own traveling costs, keeping these costs down where they can, by car and room sharing but the expense to the club can be quite considerable.
The club greatly appreciates any and all donations that are made to the club which can be made at our local giving page.
Allied Mobility
Allied Mobility is the UK’s leading wheelchair accessible vehicle specialist and now the official sponsor of our governing body, GBWR. Their donation to Glasgow Wheelchair Rugby Club will really help us grow the team and we look forward to working with them to support and promote the sport in the coming years.
Digby Brown
Digby Brown’s financial help was crucial to the inception of the club and they have been kind enough to continue their funding even to this day.
Localgiving and People’s Postcode Trust
Who a grant-giving charity funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. With three different award from their Magic Little Grant fund to pay for kit for our junior team, funds for a rugby taster session and equipment. www.localgiving.org/magic-little-grants
European City of sport
This year Glasgow was honoured to be the first city to be named the European Capital of Sport for the second time. We were funded £750 to held with running cost of the club.
Glasgow Life
Glasgow Life’s The Sport and Physical Activity Fund, helped pay for an extension to our storage cage. With our extra storage we were able to store our kids chairs at our venue and thus enabling us to establish a junior team.