Community Outreach
Wheelchair rugby and the wider community!
Our outreach programme has slowly evolved itself over the years through the different connections with other groups and associations that we have made as a club. We now take the sport of wheelchair rugby out into the wider community, not just to show that having a disability does not stop someone from been a dedicated sports person, but also to bring the benefits of increased physical and mental wellbeing to a larger and different audience.
The Queen Elizabeth Spinal Injuries Unit
Our link with the spinal unit goes back a long way, with many of the players having been former patients. With an invitation from Angela Malone, Physical Activity Advisor with Wheelpower based in the unit, we run regular sessions, every six weeks or so, with the patients which is always full of fun and laughter
Active Schools Programme
Working with Glasgow City Councils Physical Activity and School Sport (PEPASS) team during school holidays, who would look to host a verity of sports for children with both physical and intellectual disabilities, of which we have ran several wheelchair rugby sessions over the last couple of years.
Tollcross Multisport Club
Developed and ran by Scottish Disability Sport, Disability Sports Glasgow and Glasgow Life. We are one of the sports club who run weekly session in four week blocks.Having liaised with for a while now Scottish Disability Sport we are looking to take part in their Parasports Festival. The Festivals are designed to offer young people with physical disabilities, hearing loss and vision impairments within mainstream primary and secondary schools an opportunity to try a wide range of sports in inclusive, safe and fun sessions.
121st Glasgow Scout Group
Having been contacted by Carol Heaton leader of 121st Glasgow Scout Group asking if she could bring along some of her scouts, the club was happy to host them. We used the opportunity to reach a different audience who might never have seen disability sport, nevermind having taken part in disability sport.
Shettleston Community Sport Hub
Our training venue, Tollcross Leisure Centre, is located in the Shettleston area, therefore we were keen to join the Community Sport Hub when asked. The hub is a collection of sports and physical activity groups based in and serving the community of Shettleston.